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Download individual papers below, or see my full CV here:
RESEARCH QUESTION: How do perceptions of authenticity impact networking outcomes?
You can see our research on this topic here:
(Rossignac-Milon, Pillemer, Bailey, Horton & Iyengar, 2023)
RESEARCH QUESTION: Can AI enhance perceptions of human creativity?
You can see our research on this topic here:
(Horton, White, & Iyengar, 2023)
RESEARCH QUESTION: How does clothing impact how we think, act, and feel?
You can see our meta-analysis here:
(Horton, Adam, & Galinsky, 2023)
RESEARCH QUESTION: What's the "best" outfit to wear when working remotely?
(Bailey, Horton, & Galinsky, 2022)
You can see our research on this topic here:
RESEARCH COMMENTARY: How are curiosity and creativity related?
You can see our commentary on this topic here:
(Horton & Mason, 2024)
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